The three-day EID festival is also known as sweet EID. Uniting Muslims worldwide, the festival marks the completion of Ramadan, the month-long fasting period. Families and friends gather to enjoy a feast, one of the essential parts of the EID celebration. Here is a selection of delicacies from around the world that you must try during the festival.


Shortbread cookies are popular across Levantine nations such as Lebanon and Syria. The stuffing comes in various flavours, such as pistachios, walnuts and dates, and the top is typically dusted with powdered sugar. Kleicha, another cookie from Iraq, is remarkably similar, and so is Kahk from Sudan and Egypt.


With a texture similar to Injera, which is a white leavened bread from Ethiopia produced from teff flour, the Somalian Caambabur is an EID bread that resembles a crepe. However, it comes with a distinctive flavour of spices. During Eid, it is commonly served with a dusting of sugar and a dollop of yoghurt to give it a tangy contrast. The dish is also popular in Djibouti and may have even originated there.

Sheer Kurma

Known as Semai in Bangladesh, Sheer Kurma is literally translated to “Milk and Dates”. This is also found in India and Pakistan, where it is a sweet vermicelli delight and popular during Eid. It contains sugar, milk, dates, raisins, almonds and pistachios – the nuts may vary according to country.


A Turkish delight, the Lokum is extremely popular in Turkey, especially during special holidays such as Eid. It contains various nutty elements, like pistachios and walnuts, that are combined with dates to form a gel-like treat. The dish is one of the most visually appealing Eid treats because you can make it in a variety of colours.

This EID GDO brings some of the best sweets to your doorstep. Reach out to our portal to order your favourite.


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